Step 1: Identifying Decision Objectives

What matters to the stakeholders? In this first step, you understand what matters to relevant stakeholders and define decision objectives which provide the basis to make more transparent decisions in later steps.

Step 2: Validating Decision Objective and Identifying SaniChoice Criteria

How can the decision objectives be evaluated? In this step, you cooperate with experts to identify those decision objectives that are non-negotiable and contextually relevant and translate them into appropriateness criteria that can be used in SaniChoice. The remaining relevant decision objectives can be used as part of the comparison and evaluation of appropriate systems in Step 5.

Step 3: Identifying Appropriate Technologies

Which technologies should be considered? In this step, you apply the appropriateness criteria identified in Step 2 to identify technologies that are appropriate in your specific case using the SaniChoice webtool.

Step 4: Identifying Appropriate Systems

Which sanitation systems should be considered? In this step, you use the SaniChoice webtool to generate a set of locally appropriate sanitation system options and apply the appropriateness criteria to extract those which are the most appropriate in your specific case.

Step 5: Detailed Assessment of System Options and Discussion of Trade-Offs

Which systems should be selected? In this last step, you evaluate the sanitation system options identified in Step 4 based on a set of additional evaluation criteria and prepsre for a discussion and participatory refinement of options with stakeholders.