There exist different sanitation technologies along the sanitation value chain that is defined by five functional groups from the user interface to final reuse or disposal. You can either exclude or include technologies or use the case settings to evaluate their local appropriateness.

If you click on a given technology, you will access the technology information sheet.

Reading the Technology Info Sheets

A sanitation technology is defined as any process, infrastructure, method or service that is designed to contain, transform or transport sanitation products. It is characterised by its name, the input and output products and how they relate to each other (e.g. blackwater or greywater -> septic tank -> sludge and effluent). Additionally, technologies can be further described by using geo-physical, technical, socio-cultural, legal as well as criteria concerning capacity and management.

The technology info sheets contain three sections: an overview, the criteria data, and the references.



Here you find a short description of the technology, its main design principles and advantages and disadvantages. At the right hand, you also see the input and output products as well as the characteristics related to preconditions and additional evaluation criteria. Additionally, you will find the transfer coefficients for phosphorus, nitrogen, total solids, and water. Transfer coefficients quantify how much of the entered substance is either transferred to one of the output products or lost to soil, air or water. It is defined based on an approximation using literature data.



Under criteria you will find the technology profile regarding the appropriateness criteria that are used to determine the technology appropriateness if you define your case. 

See an overview on all available criteria here.


Literature and Readings

In this section, we provide references and further readings. These references will provide you with additional information 


Add / Modify Technologies

Help strengthen the SaniChoice tool, by adding or modifying technologies directly in the tech library.

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Define Case Settings

You can compare technologies regarding the different criteria and further narrow down the selections.